Hello, new member with a 42 Hudson!

[Deleted User]
edited November -1 in Street Rods
Hello folks,

Boy, I don't know how it took so long for me to find this forum! I am a regular on such as the HAMB and one for my other projects-Passion 4 Pontiacs. But, I was beginning to kinda feel lonely with my current project(s). I'm restoroddin' a '42 Hudson Commodore Eight Club Coupe. Currently have the body off the frame and blasted to bare metal. I wanted so badly to build the straight eight with 'rodded' updates, but am lately leaning towards a Chevy 348 W-block engine that will be HUDSONized. More on that later.

I also have a 42 Commodore Six sedan that is also undergoing a 'few' modifications. This 'sedan' project will be a challenge to say the least. More later on that one as well.

Haven't even browsed the threads here to any extent yet and I can't wait to get started! Hope to hear from any of you guys and especially the 42-47 rodders who can offer any experience(s).

Here's the Coupe before tear down. And, one of my current rods-1931 Pontiac rumble seat coupe.


  • nice ride.
  • That Pontiac is sure looking nice! Don't see to many of those around. Good luck with the Hud project, there's alot of guys around here doing those models. Where do you hail from?

  • jsrail wrote:
    That Pontiac is sure looking nice! Don't see to many of those around. Good luck with the Hud project, there's alot of guys around here doing those models. Where do you hail from?


    Thanks Jay for the comments. I built the Pontiac because I like em different! Don't get me wrong, I think a 32-33-34 Ford is a beautiful automobile but man, they can only be built so many ways and so many colors. I always look for the unusual when browsing a show. So 31 Pontiac coupe and next a 42 Hudson coupe. I've got a few more projects but these are the current and soon to be current.

    I'm from just west of Nashville, TN, small town called Kingston Springs.

  • Rarerodder wrote:
    Thanks Jay for the comments. I built the Pontiac because I like em different! Don't get me wrong, I think a 32-33-34 Ford is a beautiful automobile but man, they can only be built so many ways and so many colors. I always look for the unusual when browsing a show. So 31 Pontiac coupe and next a 42 Hudson coupe. I've got a few more projects but these are the current and soon to be current.

    I'm from just west of Nashville, TN, small town called Kingston Springs.

    Cool! That's one reason I liked my '38 Dodge 5window when I had it years ago, not many Mopars back then either.

    I in AZ, but was in TN once working for a former client in Kingsport. Kinda of a sleepy little town, but more trees than we got out here!

  • I still like the straight 8 idea. Alot

    I understand the apprehension, because it could get quite involved and pricey.

    It would be beyond unique, and you'd have the admiration of not only the vintage rodding community - but all the silent Hudson 8 enthusiasts who secretly want to see what one of those engines could do.

    Including myself.

  • `Hudsonator wrote:
    I still like the straight 8 idea. Alot

    I understand the apprehension, because it could get quite involved and pricey.

    It would be beyond unique, and you'd have the admiration of not only the vintage rodding community - but all the silent Hudson 8 enthusiasts who secretly want to see what one of those engines could do.

    Including myself.


    Yeah, the 348 W-block with Hudsonized trim was my initial plans but the more I think and learn about the Hudson straight eight the more I'm liking that idea. A few years ago Jim Hughs-HET provided my a list of 42-46-47 Hudsons comprised by the club and according to that list, of the several 42 models registered, there was only one other 1942 Commodore Eight Club Coupe. Now I don't want to get the rodded vs. factory original thread started again, but I'm one of those guys who equally appreciates original cars as well as modifieds. With that said and considering the low survival rate of this model with an already low production number, I, from the beginning, planned a resto-rod approach-doing nothing that could not be changed back to original down the road. I also initially picked the 348 engine option because it would add to the unique factor I want for this project. Now, I have always said to myself, the straight eight in modified form would also be a WOW factor but was always apprehensive about the reliability and streetable performance, not know much about the babbit splasher. But I am liking what I am hearing from my other thread. I am beginning to bend toward the straight 8, but keep hoping to talk with someone who may have either already gone down that road and has experience, or at least someone with enough straight 8 knowledge to help me make it a reality. Sounding like that is a distinct possibility. I would love to hear more from any and everyone who wishes to add to this! At least with all the knowledgeable persons here, I have options! :)
  • Can you say ported fuel injection or turbo? I've heard that the properly built Hudson 8 will withstand some pretty serious racing mods. They were used a lot in the 30's with the rumor that Dillinger preferred Hudsons for get away cars. I think I have an article somewhere on some of the 8 upgrades, I'll look for it.
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