edited November -1 in HUDSON
Back about a month ago, I sent a PM to our own Paul Schuster, here on this board. I probably spent most of my time blowing off steam, or whatever, and in the heat of the moment probably said some things that were not fair, centering most of my anger towards comments made by Paul, and sending a retalitory PM to him. This was not fair, considering the value I put on our friendship.

The bad part about it, is with the internet, and electronic communications, our correspondence is instant, and there is no turning back. Really what warranted the whole discussion, was pointless, and I was in the wrong. I got mad over a few remarks, and carried it to the next level.

Pretty much at this point, I am not sure the Paul has seen my reply to his PM, or the email I sent, considering the fact that this is something I wrote a month ago, and the reply was only from Saturday, I am not sure how often Paul checks either of them. Either way, whether he read it yesterday or a month ago, it was wrong with what I said, and how I dealt with it.

Anyway, what it comes down to is that I want to offer up my apology to Paul, here, now, where hopefully he will see it. Not really concerned with who else sees it.

If I have damaged a friendship thru my actions and words, then that is my fault, an something I will live with. I'm a believer in second chances, and many more. None of us are perfect.

So with that in mind, Paul, if you get a chance to read, this, or read it here, or elsewhere;

I'm sorry. I was wrong, I did not write to you in a manner consistent with two people that are friends should correspond. I said things that I wish I did not say, and only wish I could retract my unfair or unkind statements.

At this point I have exhausted all of my avenues to repair this friendship, and will accept the outcome. Not much else I can do at this point.

Thank you all for your time.


Hudsonkid :cool:
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