South Florida Hooters Meet
Every Sunday Evening from 5PM - 10PM
Pompano Beach, Florida Hooters Restaurant
US-1 (Federal Hwy) just north of Copans Rd. in the Muvico Plaza
Muscle Car Mayham.
Hooters and Blow-By Racing have been putting on a Muscle Car ONLY weekly car show.
From Classic Hot Rods to New Age Muscle.
This is a great family oriented event. Bring out your cars and have some fun!
Pompano Beach, Florida Hooters Restaurant
US-1 (Federal Hwy) just north of Copans Rd. in the Muvico Plaza
Muscle Car Mayham.
Hooters and Blow-By Racing have been putting on a Muscle Car ONLY weekly car show.
From Classic Hot Rods to New Age Muscle.
This is a great family oriented event. Bring out your cars and have some fun!
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