Lots of old cars and parts (texas)
My buddy bought a pasture full of cars. Some of these I think could be redone, including a 58 Fairlane and a 58 F100. I may be overly optimistic though, but still tons of parts!
I just posted a ton of photos and more info on the deal at
These cars are located in Childress, TX, midway between Amarillo and Wichita Falls.
Old school buses from the 20-40s, a Hudson Hornet, 66 Chevy 10, a Kaiser, Ford Galaxy wagon, a lovely POS Chevy Monza that we'd probably pay someone to haul off, lol!, Model A engine... we don't even know what all we have right now. If you're in our neck of the woods, we'd love to show what we have!
I just posted a ton of photos and more info on the deal at
These cars are located in Childress, TX, midway between Amarillo and Wichita Falls.
Old school buses from the 20-40s, a Hudson Hornet, 66 Chevy 10, a Kaiser, Ford Galaxy wagon, a lovely POS Chevy Monza that we'd probably pay someone to haul off, lol!, Model A engine... we don't even know what all we have right now. If you're in our neck of the woods, we'd love to show what we have!
Could'nt get pics of the cars to come up0
No car pics, just livestock.0
I need a 40 dodge coupe trunk lid!0
Goats ??? This is not a livestock sale barn, We buy old cars, but not sight unseen, lets have some pics please0
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