Super Chevy Show-Montgomery Motorsports Park Car Auction
For More Information: Roger Gustin
AutoStar Productions, Inc.: 800.692.6230
O’Reilly Auto Parts Super Chevy Show to Feature
Workmat Auto Auction Block at Montgomery Motorsports Park
It’s new and it’s fresh! Southern Chevy fans will be treated to an added feature at Montgomery Motorsports Park, September 14-16. The Workmat Auto Auction Block has been added to the already impressive schedule at the O’Reilly Auto Parts Super Chevy Show. During the Workmat Auto Auction Block, all Car Corral participants that have not sold their car or truck - will have the opportunity to place their car on the Auction Block at 5:00 p.m. - Saturday, September 15. The cost to participate in the Car Corral is only $45, and that fee includes participating in the 5:00 p.m. Workmat Auto Auction Block. Each car that is sold during the Workmat Auto Auction Block will only pay a 5% sellers fee. Reserve limits on your auto will be accepted. You can register for the Auction Block at the Montgomery Motorsports Park gate until 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 15. You can also pre-register through Friday, September 7, with the Super Chevy Show Office by calling 1-800-692-6230 ext. #11. Classic car dealers, collectors, enthusiasts and spectators will be on hand to bid on your car. All make, model and years are welcome! Please note: Pre-registration is not available for drag racing, car show or swap meet.
The O’Reilly Auto Parts Super Chevy Show ignites Montgomery Motorsports Park for the first time since 2004, September 14-16. The Super Chevy Show's 2007 tour is a unique blend of high horsepower racing excitement and some of the nation’s best Chevy show cars. Flavor in one of the best Performance & Restoration Midways or the Swap Meet and Car Corral and the Workmat Auto Auction block. Chevy fans are in for a great weekend!
For more info
AutoStar Productions, Inc.: 800.692.6230
O’Reilly Auto Parts Super Chevy Show to Feature
Workmat Auto Auction Block at Montgomery Motorsports Park
It’s new and it’s fresh! Southern Chevy fans will be treated to an added feature at Montgomery Motorsports Park, September 14-16. The Workmat Auto Auction Block has been added to the already impressive schedule at the O’Reilly Auto Parts Super Chevy Show. During the Workmat Auto Auction Block, all Car Corral participants that have not sold their car or truck - will have the opportunity to place their car on the Auction Block at 5:00 p.m. - Saturday, September 15. The cost to participate in the Car Corral is only $45, and that fee includes participating in the 5:00 p.m. Workmat Auto Auction Block. Each car that is sold during the Workmat Auto Auction Block will only pay a 5% sellers fee. Reserve limits on your auto will be accepted. You can register for the Auction Block at the Montgomery Motorsports Park gate until 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 15. You can also pre-register through Friday, September 7, with the Super Chevy Show Office by calling 1-800-692-6230 ext. #11. Classic car dealers, collectors, enthusiasts and spectators will be on hand to bid on your car. All make, model and years are welcome! Please note: Pre-registration is not available for drag racing, car show or swap meet.
The O’Reilly Auto Parts Super Chevy Show ignites Montgomery Motorsports Park for the first time since 2004, September 14-16. The Super Chevy Show's 2007 tour is a unique blend of high horsepower racing excitement and some of the nation’s best Chevy show cars. Flavor in one of the best Performance & Restoration Midways or the Swap Meet and Car Corral and the Workmat Auto Auction block. Chevy fans are in for a great weekend!
For more info
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