Hudson Boys
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I was lucky enough to be @ the Bonneville Salt Flats for first couple of days of the Speed Trials. Met the HUDSON BOYS, with their neat racer. We were lucky enough to see them bump their 161mph record up to 164+ on Monday.
Unfortunately, we had to leave Tuesday morning, did not get to see if they went faster later in the week. Would like to know if they bettered their time. Anybody know? THANX.
Unfortunately, we had to leave Tuesday morning, did not get to see if they went faster later in the week. Would like to know if they bettered their time. Anybody know? THANX.
Big Boy, could you post some pics on the Hudson and its engine ?
Thanks Rudy0 -
Awesome Pictures...
My hat goes off to those Hudson Boys ingenuity and efforts...I hope they keep raising the Record..0
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