essex brake switch?
my brake switch broke and i am having a hard time finding something that will work, maybe im just having a brain fart. i have tried 3 switches, model a and t ford, and a 50s kind of gm that is sold as a universal switch. so far all are normally closed, so when you apply the brakes, the brake light turns off. let off the brake and it turns on. they are all spring loaded, i tried taking the gm stlye one apart and moved the pin but it just didnt work that well. it had such a small contact area. its starting to get to me. the model a switch was almost exactly the same as the essex switch in apperance.
I used a switch from Ron Francis wire works on my 1919 Essex, and on my 40. It is a universal weatherproof item that can be mounted under the car, and is normally open, like you need. Hope this helps.0
Starter switches from some late 30s and early 40s Hudsons are the same as the brake lite switch. The one I'm talking about is a black bakelite unit about3 in long and1 in wide.0
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