Swap Meet Videos I ran into
I ran into a group of swap meet videos on the web.
I used to live in Springfield Ohio and knew about that meet so I was interested in finding a odd part and googled into this. Thought you might be interested.
I put a few of my videos of meets up also.
Helps to see if it is worth the travel to a place or not....
Springfield Ohio Swap Meet
Belmont Swap Meet
Car Show
I used to live in Springfield Ohio and knew about that meet so I was interested in finding a odd part and googled into this. Thought you might be interested.
I put a few of my videos of meets up also.
Helps to see if it is worth the travel to a place or not....
Springfield Ohio Swap Meet
Belmont Swap Meet
Car Show
Hey thanks for putting those up! I'm gonna have to plan a trip out there!0
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