49 Comm Rear Fender Mouldings & Clips Needed

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Need a set of GOOD straight mouldings for the bottom of the rear fenders on my 49 Comm. Discovered the ones I have are bend beyond return. Anyone have a set or have a source?????


PS Can someone tell me where to get the clips for the same mouldings?? There must be a clip from restoration supply or Mr G's that will work with these. Also need the same for the rocker mouldings.


  • hdsn49
    hdsn49 Senior Contributor
    What body style are you restoring. Sedans use a shorter moulding than coupes, covertables and broughams. Check out ebay, and flea markets at national and regional HET meets. For the clips, KGap makes a stainless steel retainer for the mouldings. They work great and don't rust.
  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor
    I think KGAP sells the mounting clips. The company just changed hands and someone recently posted the new contact information on this site. I tried searching for it but couldn't find the post. Could someone post that information again?

    As far as the mouldings go - I too need some of the very same trim pieces you are looking for and would like to know if anyone has them as well.
  • dave s
    dave s Senior Contributor, Moderator
    K-gap new contact information on my page under suppliers. http://home.earthlink.net/~dsollon/public.htm/supply.htm
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