Hudson Station Wagon..revisited

SuperDave Senior Contributor
edited November -1 in HUDSON
The original thread was getting long..

Does anyone remember an article in the WTN at least 20-25 years ago about a wagon found on top of a mountain? I think it was Colorado, but my memory isn't that clear. As I recall it took a four wheel drive vehicle to get up there. It was retrieved and the owner planned to restore it. Of course the real question is how did they get it up that rocky trail to begin with!? Suppose that wagon has been restored ?

Dave W. Fl


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Actually, there was a WTN article about it long before that, in the sixties. The person who mentioned it then, vowed no one would ever get it out alive, and it would probably rot in there. Now the '42 wagon is fully restored and is owned by Eldon Hostetler in Indiana.
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