Sunday Hudson Meet at Carlisle report

edited November 2013 in HUDSON
Well, we had a decent meet on Sunday at the Quality Inn...

Car turnout was a bit light, but still some neat cars.

Parts buying was decent, Hudsondad did really well, he got something he wanted for a long time, and I'll let him share, but it was a good find!

I got another set of Twin H aircleaners, Oilbath type, dented, but had the connector bracket I needed, so I will recondition the aircleaners, make them new, over the winter, and might try my hand at selling hudson parts, perhaps next year at Docs... Who knows....

Anyway, I got an OD relay, (because I need a spare...) A unch of clutch stuff from a friend, and I ended up with a core pressure plate, that I happened upon on the last pass, weird how you miss stuff.

I got a chance to see Jon B, frankspring, Bill A (yeah, east coast!), Clutchguy, PAULARGETYPE, Dave S, oh, and Cliff and Allan Minard, Frank Dhulhy, Ken Schulte, Wayne Wehrle, Jeff Perkins (2007 Albright award winner!) and geez, we're prolly leaving someone out....

Good meet, glad I got to meet Jeff, feel bad I didn't get a chance to stop and chat with everyone on the first pass... When hudson parts are around, man, I just get too eager...

I think this is the first meet in a while that I didn't fork over some $$$$ to Frank, that was pretty wierd.... Oh well.

I'll try to get some pictures up in a day or so, for everyone to see...
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