Having trouble at our Hudson photo album website?

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited November -1 in HUDSON
Have you had difficulties signing in at our Hudson photo site http://groups.msn.com/HudsonEssexTerraplaneBulletinBoard/_whatsnew.msnw ? If you originally registered as part of the MSN 'Passport Network", be advised that this system has recently be updated, and you may need to go back to update your account there, in order to get your 'passport' back. In that case:

1) Go here (If you are not yet signed in to your account, you will be prompted to do so.)

2) Complete the Microsoft Passport Network account information.

Once this is done you should be able to come back here, click JOIN NOW and then SIGN IN on the following webpage.


Jon Battle

HETdetailed@verizon.net (delete the HET before sending)
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