Any Hudson Eight Brougham out there?

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Hello everybody.

Im am completely new to this forum and I wish to start my first question to try my luck:

I have a 1938 hudson Eight Brougham that is in need of being restored.

I would like to contact anyone who has exactly such a car, in the hope of being able to obtain general information, detail pictures, spare parts leads, etc, etc.

As many will know, this is a very uncommon car and very difficult to find parts for.

Any info would therefore be most welcome.

By the way, I am located in Valparaiso, Chile.




  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Greetings, Lars. You have a very rare car; there were not many 1938 Hudsons made. When you say 'brougham', you are speaking of the closed brougham? That is, the sloped-back model (like a 4-door) but with 2 doors and a large rear quarter window? Or, are you saying the convertible brougham?

    If you are not yet a member of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club, you may wish to join. It is a very helpful 'network' of other Hudson owners, and is handy for finding parts and information. The Club website is at

  • Lars... the premier 38 specialist is Kelly Hingardner. Kelly has a Convertible, 3 pass coupe, Tpickup, Long wheel base sedan and a 2 door Brougham. Hid email is: , Remove the XXX and that is the correct email address.

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