Geoff Clark

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Just rcvd an email from Sam Jackson, addressed to the Essex Super Six egroup:
"Geoff Clark had a heart attack yesterday and is in the hospital in New Zealand. I am waiting for an update from his wife, Margaret on his condition..."

No details as yet.

Alex B


  • Alex, Thanks for passing this on. Geoff will be in our prayers. Let me know if you find out anything new.
  • Geoff's e-mail address is , delete the HET before mailing.
  • Hi All
    I've spoken to Margaret (Mrs Geoff). she says that he's "doing well" & that the Docs & the hospital are pleased with his progress. She thinks that he will learn from the "fright" and will pace himself better in future. I understand there is a family history of heart excitement. Unfortunately the trip to the US has had to be postponed.
    I passed on the fact of "best wishes" messages on this list, & Margaret will give them to Geoff.
    David Young
    New Zealand
  • From Geoff Clark
    Subject: Good News, bad news, good news.

    The good news: Margaret is improving greatly in her health, and is back at work on a "floating hours" basis, working the hours she feels she is capable of. She can now go virtually every day without using her "spray", and is looking and acting like her usual cheery supportive self.
    The bad news: I suffered a heart attack on Saturday 17th April, and had to to be taken to hospital and treated for this.
    The good news: I am now back home, and can look forward to gradually getting myself back to normal over the coming weeks.

    So, to all of you have sent cards and emails, phone calls, and visits, I wish to express my great appreciation to you all. For your messages of goodwill, for your rayers, and concern, it is a humbling experience.

    My attack came from out of the blue, so to speak, with no warning. However, thanks to our marvellous ambulance service I was in hospital well within the "magic hour", administered clot-busting drugs, and within two hours was stabilised and feeling much better. Spent two days in the intensive care unit, then a day in the medical unit, and then sent home. I now have to gradually work my way back to normality, and have been for a walk to the village shops and back this morning. Will be able to get back into my workshop before too long doing light work, and then later on start back on my restoration work.
    Romans 8:28 says "All things work together for good for those who love God, and are called according to His will and purpose", and we can see His hand of protection during this time. I was due to fly to the U.S. on 2nd May. Imagine having it happen at 40,000 feet halfway across the Pacific. It happened on Saturday, when Margaret was home, and the next door neighbour, who is also a trained crisis nurse. So though it was a bad thing to happen, we see the way it was guided to it's best conclusion.
    To those of you whom I was committed to visiting in the U.S., I will keep in touch, and we will re-schedule later on in the year.
    To those who have ordered castings and parts, I should be able to get on to these after a few weeks, so please be patient. Most of the stuff is here now, I just have to get some of them finished, threaded, plated ,etc.
    Once again, my very sincere and humble thanks to the support we have been shown over the last few months. It has been perhaps the most difficult time of our lives in many ways, but to know we have friends all over the world supporting us is very encouraging and humbling. May God Bless you all.
  • Geoff: We continue to pray for your complete recovery. I am so very happy to hear you are home and able to continue a reasonably normal life. You now know how precious these moments are as do all of us who have had the enlighterning experience of a heart hiccup.... Thanks for the sharing and enjoy those days of walking to the village and puttering in the shop.... signing off from the Heart Of Texas laugh.gif Ken
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