AMC Ambassador '63
Hi, my father owns a 1963 AMC Ambassador (Rambler) 2-dr which according to the little research I've done is quite rare. It's in impeccable condition and we still have all the original parts, etc.; the only thing is that it could use a little work on the inside, but the paint is new and it really is just in great shape (runs great, etc.).
How do I go about finding info on how to price it, since we are looking to sell it due to some unfavorable circumstances?
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
How do I go about finding info on how to price it, since we are looking to sell it due to some unfavorable circumstances?
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
It's not to easy to do. Most classic car price guides are pretty far off from the true market. Your best bet it to search on-line (and E-bay) to see what others are asking for similar cars. The fact that it's rare might not add much value if it is not a desirable model.
To get the most out of it, make sure you inventory any parts you have, how original the car is (paint, engine work etc), and take good pictures with a good background.
Is the car a V8 model? Auto Trans?
Good luck,
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