There is just so little that actually needs to be done to a Hudson to make it smokin' Hot.
Whomever did that must have had my liking for the '50 grille. Super Cool.
Mark0 -
Not a bad lookin' ride! Not sure how well you could see out the windshield though! lol Looks like a Pace Coupe.....hope mine will look that nice someday!0
That was what I had in mind for my '50 Pacemaker coupe, until a tornado smacked the shop and crushed my coupe! Mine had a '48-'49 grille on it, which I preferred! You can see in the second pic where the top is crushed clear to the rear package shelf, and the decklid is "V"d to the tag light. the fron sheetmetal was moved over to the driver's side nearly 20 inches. The interior, and the door and quarter windows were intact. Too much to try and fix.
0 -
What does the shed look like?0
The shop you see in the background was concrete block and steel. The south wall collapsed on the Hudson and my '87 BMW 325iC ragtop, crushing both cars. The shop doors flew a quarter mile and more. My Metropolitan, which was in the same shop, was nearly untouched, except the windshields were blown out and my 262 engine, which WAS to go in the coupe the next day, was laying up against the Met. What a friggin' mess things were! Lost a '53 Hornet, '68 Dodge, '50 Dodge 2-ton truck (cab crushed!), '52 Allis-Chalmers WD-45 (actually BENT the frame!), and a '70 F250 that was nearly showroom - it flew over 350 feet and bounced off the ground at least three separate times. Trashed it.0
But it has a real nice slope down the rear and window!
But seriously, sorry for your loss man.0 -
Wow!! That does look nice. I love the MOON eyes on the lower front fender.... A real throw back to the sixties....0
66 patrick 66, what are you planning to do with the coupe? ....I would like a project.:)0
It's long gone. I sold it to a HET member outside of Wichita, KS who had a '50 of his own, and he was going to use the quarter glass, interior, quarter panels and parts of the cabin floor for his car. I'm pretty sure what was left of it is probably AK-47s in China by now.0
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