'49 - 8 Silver Engine Paint?

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Looking for a good silver paint to finish off the C8 motor I am rebuilding. I prefer to spray with a gun and looking for a PPG or Dupont code to match the factory silver. Has anyone already been down this road and if so, can you share the info?

I know Bill Hirsch sells engine enamel, and he has something called "Aluminum" which I belive is pretty a pretty close match. Anyone ever buy it? If so, how does it look? While I know it is "just silver", there are many variations and I just dont want to do it twice. Any suggestions or alternative suppliers would be appreciated.



  • Park_W
    Park_W Senior Contributor
    Dennis, an excellent one is Duplicolor 500 degree engine paint (spray can) in Aluminum color. NAPA and other parts houses sell it. Closest I've seen to the original in color and degree of "chrominess." Do the proper preparation of the surfaces, and don't put the paint on too thick ... you want the rough texture of the cast iron to show.
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