202 Performance Tricks
Sarah Young
Senior Contributor
On a 202 automatic, what are some performance tricks for the motor other than the dual carb setup? Anything on better braking or lowering?
I have a 53 Jet with Twin H I plan on sending my exhaust manifold out to be split. Other than cleaning up the relief and polishing the ports a little and getting the high comp head on it should be good. I have a three speed in mine and am looking to add OD. I would definitely look for Twin H if I was you. Looks great under the hood.
Haven't looked at lowering yet but I think it could benefit from a lowered stance. Probably have to look for one of the old dropping kits that sometimes show up on eBay.
I have a 54 Jet that is going to be getting a lot of work to it. I am dropping the roof line sectioning the body and trying to make it look closer to Frank Springs original design. That is a long term project of do work on it when I can.
They are a fun car and anyone who says different is talking through their hat.0
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