Please Help Identify This Grill
Hello Everyone,
I was doing some digging the other day and stumbled across a chrome grill that appears to be quite old. I have asked numerous people and searched a boat load of websites, but I haven't been able to locate anyone that can tell me what this grill fits. I would greatly appreciate it if some of you classic car buffs could help me out.
Here is the mystery grill.
Thank you in advance for your help!
I was doing some digging the other day and stumbled across a chrome grill that appears to be quite old. I have asked numerous people and searched a boat load of websites, but I haven't been able to locate anyone that can tell me what this grill fits. I would greatly appreciate it if some of you classic car buffs could help me out.
Here is the mystery grill.
Thank you in advance for your help!
'73 - '74 Chevelle S-3 Laguna. Had one in 1988. Nice car, it was!0
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