coupe on ebay If someone gets this let me know I probably have a few solid Front fenders , skirts and thin grille bars for this.
Frame on that car is shot. Side rails are non existent. Cross members are gone. Yeah its fixable if you have donor car you can cut the complete frame out.0
$2200 Buy it now is a bit much for this. Don't care for the sellers %95% feedback rating either. My thoughts on this are it's a $500-600 car if someone wanted to rod it.0
That thing sure is crusty - stored in the bog since 1970 maybe.0
Looks to me like you would need to do a lot of welding on that frame before it would be safe. The side rails look non-existent.0
Check out the seller's eBay store for more crusty cars.0
This seller has two more Hudsons for sale. All rusty.
A '48 sedan.
And a '42 Traveler/Deluxe coupe. -
I think this guys a dreamer. He has a rusty twisted shell of a 34 ford conv for $8500 on one of his other auctions0
This discussion has been closed.
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