52 Hornet Courtesy Straps
Appreciate if somone would post a picture of rear cloth courtesy strap with chrome bezels that is screwed into post, I could use one each of chrome supporting replateable cores of not to clearposted pictures of pieces, as you can see I have plated some already and only require one each of parts on left side of posted picture. I could also use a replateable driver's side core porkchop shown in other picture.
Ray, the pictures to the left in the picture are for a Hydromatic indicator assembly. On part holds the plastic indicator face to the housing and the other part is the back cap for the housing. The only two parts shown for the assist strap are the two buckles on the right of the picture. These are the only parts you need other than the phillips head countersunk screws to hold it to the pillar.0
Good Morning & Thanks Lance,
With your explanation, I now know I have complete strap assembly support.
Thanks again and stay well,
Ray0 -
Thanks to the southern gentleman/Rudy Bennett from New Mexico for sending pictures of requested strap assembly support.
This discussion has been closed.
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