66 Marlin
Rambler Classic and Ambassadors should be the same unit, the Marlin was a fastback Classic H.T and the Ambassador is a long wheelbase version of the same car. Check the parts books and do some measuring. Good luck.0
Was told 59- 76 GM cars and trucks used very similar boxes, guess I have to figure out the ratios somehow! Thanks0
STEVE1103 wrote:Was told 59- 76 GM cars and trucks used very similar boxes, guess I have to figure out the ratios somehow! Thanks
Steve, my p/s gear box rebuilder told me the GM box will work. I had inquired because I have a good 72 chevy caprice box and wanted to know if it would work in my 69 AMX. I don't like the varialble ration the AMX has. I hope this information helps. Lee0
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