Super Six Oil Level Indicator

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Okay, I noticed today that there is a place next to a glass sleeve on the side of my 26 Super Six that shows oil level, high and low. There is no indicator inside the sleeve, which leads me to believe that something is missing :eek: Brilliant on my part, huh?

But, I gotta believe that it is a pretty basic principle that shows what the level is, and that the part should be able to be manufactured somehow. Does anyone have any information or maybe a diagram that would show how I might go about this?

I know, seems like a small detail, but I'm trying to fix as many of the details as I can.



  • EssexAdv
    EssexAdv Expert Adviser, Member
    There is a cork float on a stick which rides on the oil level on the bottom pan. The top of the stick has a dime sized 1/8 - 3/16 tall peice on top which indicated the level. This part is fond through 1929
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Unfortunately the indicator can only be fitted from underneath, necessitating of course, removal of the oil sump. There is a cork float which sits inside a steel tube pressed into the crankcase. The float should be a loose fit inside the tube, and about 2 inches in length, and the wire should be long enough so that when the bottom of the float is level with the bottom of the tube, it is showing agains the "Empty" indicator. The wire goes through the cork, and is bent over at the bottom, and has a crimp on top of the float. You will need to coat the float with shellac to stop it from getting saturated with oil.

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