Anybody know this car?

edited November -1 in HUDSON
I just got offered a 2nd chance bid on this car.

If anybody knows anything about this car, please let me know. The 2nd chance offer is a good price in my opinion, especially if the description is true.


  • TwinH
    TwinH Senior Contributor
    Don't have any personal knowledge, but it does speak to me...

    Says throw a seatcover in the back,trim rings on the wheels and.........

  • I just got offered a 2nd chance bid on this car.

    If anybody knows anything about this car, please let me know. The 2nd chance offer is a good price in my opinion, especially if the description is true.
    color]rebuilt the engine and transmission. Al is a Hudson Mechanic extradinaire and will know the cars good and bad points cold. My suggestion is call Al and get the complete story. If I were looking for a 54 Sedan ... the fact that Al was the person who redid the engine would sway me toward a purchase decision.[/size][/font][/font]

    My 2 Cents.

    Good Luck
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