Cop motor & truck parts
Senior Contributor
Last weekend I got a slip of paper with a bunch of notes from the builder of my '47 pickup truck.
Supposedly, the motor is a SB350 from a '78 Ohio State Police car. I don't know what that means exactly, anyboby have any ideas on that? I assume it would be a 4 bolt main, maybe special heads or something.
In addition to the motor, it has corvette valve covers, air cleaner, and side pipes. The trans is a T350, and the rear end is from a 79 Nova. Tailights are from a 70 Chevelle and driveshaft is 65 Ford.
There was many other notes on there as well, thing s that had been done or needed to be done. It should make my job a bit easier.
The truck is still in storage, hopefully I can get to it by late summer.
Supposedly, the motor is a SB350 from a '78 Ohio State Police car. I don't know what that means exactly, anyboby have any ideas on that? I assume it would be a 4 bolt main, maybe special heads or something.
In addition to the motor, it has corvette valve covers, air cleaner, and side pipes. The trans is a T350, and the rear end is from a 79 Nova. Tailights are from a 70 Chevelle and driveshaft is 65 Ford.
There was many other notes on there as well, thing s that had been done or needed to be done. It should make my job a bit easier.
The truck is still in storage, hopefully I can get to it by late summer.
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