Finally building
After years of taking apart my '48, I'm finally in the "putting back together" mode. Hear's a few pictures of the front clip. First picture shows it stripped, second primed, and third is painted. After the paint has time to cure, I'll start putting the front end back together. I used a vibratory tumbler to clean and polish the originals bolts, clamps, and grease fittings. More pictures to come in the near future.
Now you've done've gone and made it all shiny! Now you won't want to drive it
Looks great Wes, what kind of paint did you use?0 -
Curious as to which primer and paint you used. Also what media in the tumbler for cleaning bolts, etc. Plan on having the frame for my 47 Brougham blasted this week therefore will need to prime and paint so that reassembly can commence.0
That looks super nice.... I was thinking about buying one of those tumbler things. Any recamendations, or any suggestions to stay away form?0
Dan, it being shiny won't stop me from driving it anywhere I want to go. Besides, a smooth surface will be easier to clean!(ha) Birdman,The primer I used was from Eastwood. They called it "Corroless" back when I ordered it. Now, the call it "Rust Encapsulator". I don't guess it's any better than Por 15, but the fact that it's what they use on the oil rigs, in salt water, I figured it would be pretty good stuff. I've already done the complete underside of the car, just as I did the front clip. ,The paint I use is by DuPont. It Nason 2K Urethane. It's the same paint that Eastwood just came out with, to paint chassis'. Only I've been using it for over 15 years. It sprays well, doesn't "run" very easily, and dries to a "rock hard", smooth finish. You probably won't find too many of your local shops using it, because it's a little pricey, and takes about 2 weeks to fully cure. Bent Metal, I started off with the "Green Pyramids" in the tumbler. After I let it tumble for a couple of days, l switched to the Dry Shine for a couple of days. I was amazed at how well it cleaned and polished the nuts, bolts, washers, and clamps. I'll dig up, and re-size some before and after pictures of the end result of the tumbler. I may post that, on the regular Hudson Forum, because it would save some of the "Purist" a lot of time and money too!0
More before and after pics. First picture is of the lower control arm, just as it came off the car. Second shows one after I soaked it in parts cleaner, and the other one is after I sandblasted it. Third is after painting, and polishing the hardware.0
Wow, now I'm jealous. Wish I could have done that to my parts. Looks great!0
Looking good. It feels go to be going uphill now doesn't it?0
Wonderful Job keep it up, Peter0
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