Battery choice?
Either a 6 or 8 volt battery would be fine.0
Get a good 6 volt with at least 700 cca. Interstate Batteries has a good one. Make sure all the connections are clean and tight and you should have no problem.
Bob0 -
I would invest in an Optima 6-volt (or other 'dry cell' type). I've had great success with mine. Also, make sure you have 6-volt appropriate battery cables. Here's a photo of my Optima installed in it's fake plastic case. Note the size of the Dave Kostansek-made negative cable. If you just want to turn it over, if you're really careful you can put in a six or eight volt battery and jump it with a 12 volt from another car. Turn everything off first and don't leave the cables on...have somebody crank it while you hold the cables (carefully) and then remove them as soon as its cranked a bit. Don't forget that it;s positive ground if you decide to jump it.0
Be certain to use heavy 6V Cables, not thin 12V. If retaining original wiring suggest installing a battery switch...0
A word of caution to those with 1940-47 Hudsons who don't realize this already: the standard Group 2 batteries are too tall and will short out on your hood, when it's closed. 2L is the correct height, I believe.
Here's an article on the subject that I did back in 2002, in our Chesapeake Bay Chapter newsletter. Of course, prices and availability may have changed in six years... -
Here are the web sites for the classic batteries mentioned by Jon B in his article. The other battery companies can be found through your local auto part store.
Antique Auto Battery
New Castle Battery
Deka Battery
Tractor Supply Company
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