Father's Day Car Show, Indy area
Hoosier Park Racing & Casino 2008 Star-Spangled Weekend Custom Car Show, powered by Lowered Horizons, Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15, 2008, 1-6pm. Vehicle registration only $10 includes $10 in quick credits with new Club Centaur Rewards program and complimentary meal at Hoosier Park’s Prime Harvest Buffet. Schedule of Events - 1-3pm Vehicle Registration, 3-5pm Judging, and awards at 5:30pm. Open to all Makes and Models, new and old, Top 25 awards plus Best of Show, Best Car, Best Truck, & Hoosier Park Choice. For more information please contact Merrick Reynolds at LH4life@hotmail.com. Hoosier Park is located at 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson, IN 46013, www.Hoosierpark.com
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