Here's a cool coupe FS
NOT mine, but I'd sure like it to be!
On the HAMB...
On the HAMB...
I love the gold tooth..0
The last post was Aug 2004...
I am a Hudson Grille fan, but this treatment is fitted well and with the gold tooth it's priceless ~ Fun idea!0 -
The gold tooth really caught my eye, as well! A touch for a future car, perhaps!
He's down to $16K and change...anyone wanna buy my Terraplane??? I'd really like to have this car!0 -
His "join" date was 2004. Last posting was 04-15-08, then "today", whenever that was. I too noticed, and liked the "gold tooth" treatment. It's a shame he never showed a picture of the motor.0
This discussion has been closed.
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