New here
Thought I'd make myself known...
I have a '63 AMC Rambler Classic 550. Drove it for a year and a half with the original inline six, auto and torque tube. It was returning 20mpg.
Decided I wanted power now it has a GM 350, 4 speed saginaw and Jaguar IRS. I'm running dual 3" glass packs through three inch tubes from modified Doug Thorley headers with big primaries. An Offenhauser cross-ram intake with two 450 Holleys - complete -AN fuel line setup, good Holley mechanical fuel pump. Griffin radiator, Hayes aluminum flywheel and Ram clutch. Now I get about 8-10mpg
I guess I'm one of those Chev/AMC cross breeders.
If anyone has any questions about the '63 Classic - I might be able to help.
If anyone has any parts for a '63 classic - I'm always looking.
I have a '63 AMC Rambler Classic 550. Drove it for a year and a half with the original inline six, auto and torque tube. It was returning 20mpg.
Decided I wanted power now it has a GM 350, 4 speed saginaw and Jaguar IRS. I'm running dual 3" glass packs through three inch tubes from modified Doug Thorley headers with big primaries. An Offenhauser cross-ram intake with two 450 Holleys - complete -AN fuel line setup, good Holley mechanical fuel pump. Griffin radiator, Hayes aluminum flywheel and Ram clutch. Now I get about 8-10mpg
I guess I'm one of those Chev/AMC cross breeders.
If anyone has any questions about the '63 Classic - I might be able to help.
If anyone has any parts for a '63 classic - I'm always looking.
63 amx...nice car!0
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