Driver's door needed

edited November -1 in Street Rods
I need a driver's door for a 52 Hudson Pacemaker 2 dr. The skin is just about beyond repair. Does anyone out there have a spare or will another model fit? Is there a good source for vintage Huddy parts? Thanks in advance for the info. Jak


  • Jak, Any coupe or brougham door will work from 1948-53 for your needs. Just change the interior hardware and trim accordingly .Where are you located?
  • Hudzilla,

    I am in east Tennessee, 25 miles south of Knoxville.

    Thanks for the tip. Jak
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    Check with Bill Albright, Custom Coach- Fontana California. Bill is a regular visiter to the Forum and has ad's in the HET's. Should ab easy to find and I am sure he can help you out.
  • Or Hudson Al, though he's here in AZ....a bit of a trek. I've been to his place and know he has a ton of doors. Has always been straight with me too.
  • JAK, I'll bet HUDZILLA might have one and if you don't need it right now he might be able to bring it to Pigeon Forge in Oct.
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