Just two days left to secure a place in the Norwich Union MSA Classic!
Places for the Norwich Union MSA Classic are filling up fast and with only two days left to sign up, the race is on to secure a place. There are a few entry places left for the Chester, Cardiff, Norwich, Nottingham and Veteran and Edwardian routes – everything else is full!
All routes finish at Silverstone where participating vehicles will be able to perform parade laps on the famous circuit Grand Prix circuit. The only criteria for entry is that the car is at least 20 years old.
Don’t miss out on your chance to take part in this fantastic event with like-minded classic car enthusiasts on Sunday 12 October.
The entry fee is just £110 (£80 for Veteran and Edwardian) and anyone interested in signing up should email classics@msaevents.co.uk or contact IMS directly on 01753 765100.
All routes finish at Silverstone where participating vehicles will be able to perform parade laps on the famous circuit Grand Prix circuit. The only criteria for entry is that the car is at least 20 years old.
Don’t miss out on your chance to take part in this fantastic event with like-minded classic car enthusiasts on Sunday 12 October.
The entry fee is just £110 (£80 for Veteran and Edwardian) and anyone interested in signing up should email classics@msaevents.co.uk or contact IMS directly on 01753 765100.
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