Info needed on SC/Rambler
My father in law and I were at the Kruse auction park today in Auburn,IN.
We looked at a 69 SC/Rambler that sold on Saturday.Auction 2803 I believe.
The VIN is A9M097X255390.
My father in law believes it may be the one he owned.
We looked all over the grounds and couldn't find the new owner.
Anybody who could tell us any info on this car would be GREATly appreciated.
Thank You
My father in law and I were at the Kruse auction park today in Auburn,IN.
We looked at a 69 SC/Rambler that sold on Saturday.Auction 2803 I believe.
The VIN is A9M097X255390.
My father in law believes it may be the one he owned.
We looked all over the grounds and couldn't find the new owner.
Anybody who could tell us any info on this car would be GREATly appreciated.
Thank You
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