A.M.E.C. Economy Run / Fall Foliage Drive

Greetings fellow classic car owners. For those of you located in the northeast, the Adirondack Motor Enthusiast Club A.M.E.C. will be holding a Fall Foliage "Economy Run" coming up this October 5, 2008.

A little history: A.M.E.C. held it's first Economy Run back in 1954. Now 54 years later with record high fuel prices, the club decided to bring the event back. Our members created a new course and the event took place this past August 10th. It was very well received and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who participated. Results can been seen here. It was a good dry run to make sure everything went smoothly and that our laptop excel program worked properly to calculate the results. We enjoyed it so much that we have planned an "Economy Run II" and this time would like to open it up to like minded individuals who would like to join us. To keep it easy to manage and fun we will limit registration to the first 20 entrants.
Here are the details:
What: Fuel mileage contest through the southern Adirondacks of NY. The route will be on some really nice scenic and challenging roads and will run 118.3 miles in distance. Your “economic†driving ability will be tested. Cars will be filled with fuel by an AMEC official and then weighed on electronic scales. Small ramps are employed for easy on and off of the scales. Any street legal vehicle is allowed to participate, [including motorcycles].This event will run rain or shine.
Where: The starting spot will be at the Fairway Oil gas station on Route 5 in Fonda, NY. [directions below].
When: Sunday, October 5th, 2008. Arrival time will be 8:00-8:30am, first car off at 9:00am. They have gas and diesel and have a large enough parking lot that we won’t be in the way. (They also don’t use ethanol, if that makes a difference to anyone.)
Cost: $10 per vehicle
Awards include:
1. Best overall mpg for gas cars
2. Best overall mpg for diesel and hybrid cars
3. Best ton-mile per gallon [TMPG] vehicle weight in pounds, divided by 2000, times miles driven, divided by gallons consumed. A handy calculator is here.
4. Best carbureted mpg
5. Best miles per dollar. [Based on the actual cost to travel the 118.3 miles. For example, we had a diesel VW Jetta get 56 mpg and a Dodge Avenger get 48 mpg. Because the diesel fuel was about a dollar more per gallon than the gasoline, the Avenger won this contest.]
Note: If we get more than one motorcycle we will add a class for them.
Awards: This event will conclude about noon back at the Fairway Oil gas station [where we started]. Our plan is to proceed up the nearby Checkers Out Go-Kart track for lunch, awards, and optional indoor go-kart races if you so desire. Checkers Out Speedway is an indoor go kart track open year round, and is located about ¾ of a mile south of Johnstown, NY, on NYS Route 30A. Physical address: 2299 State Hwy 30A Johnstown, NY 12905. Track phone: 518 736-4630
Directions: to Fairway Oil gas station: Take NY Thruway Exit 28. After the toll booth, turn left onto Riverside Drive. Then turn right onto South Bridge Street and go over the bridge. On the other side of the bridge is a traffic light. You can see Fairway Oil and Gas on your left. Turn left onto Route 5 and enter the station.
To register for this event: Please contact Mike Kamm at (518) 674-0520 or via email: mkamm [at ] juno [ dot] com. Or just simply reply to this thread with your name, year/model car.

Registered driver's list as of 8-25-08
1. Dave Burnham - 1991 Diesel VW Jetta
2. Dick Vedder - 2000 Ford ZX2 S/R
3. Mark Long - 1997 Dodge Avenger
4. Mike Kamm - 1977 Datsun B210 mpg
5. Claude Hutchings - 1999 Saab 9-3
6. Ernie Yue - 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc
7. Ronny Kienhuis - 1972 Citroen SM or 1992 Subaru SVX
8. "Bestmapman" [Clean mpg forums] 2007 Toyota Prius, Cincinnati, KY.
9. "JPS000" - 2008 Toyota Prius
10. Al Walker - [Clean MPG] - 2004 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA
11. Brian Wilsey - 2003 Mazda Protege [2.0]
12. Tom Moeller - 1994 Mazda Miata - Saratoga NY
13. Carl Germain - 1950 Studebaker Champion Business Coupe
14. Bill Clark - 1960 Metropolitan convertible - Endicott, NY
Registered driver's list as of 9-20-08
1. Dave Burnham - 1991 Diesel Jetta - Delanson, NY
2. Dick Vedder - 2000 Ford ZX2 S/R - Johnstown, NY
3. Mark Long - 1997 Dodge Avenger - Staatsburg, NY
4. Mike Kamm - 1977 Datsun B210 - Averill Park, NY
5. Claude Hutchings - 1999 Saab 9-3 - Saquiot, NY
6. Ernie Yue - 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc - Mechanicville, NY
7. Ronny Kienhuis - 1972 Citroen SM or 1992 Subaru SVX - Long Island, NY
8. Jud Engels [Clean mpg forums] 2007 Toyota Prius - Cincinnati, KY.
9. "JPS000" - 2008 Toyota Prius
10. Al Walker - [Clean MPG] - 2004 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA
11. Brian Wilsey - 2003 Mazda Protege - Amsterdam, NY
12. Tom Moeller - 1994 Mazda Miata - Saratoga NY
13. Carl Germain - 1950 Studebaker Champion Business Coupe - Syracuse, NY
14. Bill Clark - 1960 Metropolitan - Endicott, NY
15. Jonathan Bartlett - 2005 Passat TDI wagon[Biodiesel] - Sterling, MA
16. Pam Subik - 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Mayfield, NY
17. Tom Compoli - 1981 VW Rabbit - Schenectady, NY
18. Chris Werner, 1991 Ford Festiva - Troy, NY
This event will be completely full shortly. What I will do is add 3 more spots for cancellations and no shows.
3.0 -
This event was a big success and full results are HERE.
Bill's Metropoliatn got 37.86 mpg!
Here was a note I recieved from Bill after the event:
Thanks to the Mike and the guys at the AMEC for putting on the Economy Run. It was the first big trip out for my '60 Metropolitan in the five years since it was done and it was great. I'll start driving it more. I thought the event was well orgaanized, the route was great, the weather was great, the leaf peeping was great and it was fun seeing the different attacks people had taken on improving their mileage. I posted a few of my snapshots at the link: http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z293/clarkwd/AMEC%20Economy%20Run%20Oct%202008/
A Great Day
Bill0 -
We're doing it again! On August 23, 2009 A.M.E.C. will be holding Economy Run III.
Here are the details :
What: Fuel mileage contest through the southern Adirondacks
of NY. The route will be on really scenic and challenging roads [mild
grades] and will run approx. 94 miles in distance. Your “economicâ€
driving ability will be tested. Cars will be filled with fuel by an AMEC
official and be sent off at one minute intervals. There will be a time
limit to complete the run. Any street legal vehicle is allowed to
participate, [including motorcycles]. This event will run rain or
Where: The starting spot will be at the [ethanol free]
Fairway Oil gas station on Route 5 in Fonda, NY. Take NY Thruway Exit 28.
After the toll booth, turn left onto Riverside Drive. Then turn right
onto South Bridge Street and go over the bridge. On the other side of the
bridge is a traffic light. You can see Fairway Oil and Gas on your left.
Turn left onto Route 5 and enter the station.
When: Sunday, August 23rd, 2009. Arrival time will be
8:00-8:30am, first car off at 9:00am. They have gas and diesel and have a
large enough parking lot that we won’t be in the way.
Cost: $10 per vehicle plus $8 per car for lunch at the
awards picnic by the lake. [see "Awards" below]
Awards include:
1. Best overall mpg for gas cars [1st, 2nd, and 3rd places]
2. Best overall mpg for diesel and hybrid cars [1st, 2nd, and 3rd places]
3. Best Historic car .
Note: If we get more than one motorcycle we will add a class for them.
Finish: will be at the Citgo located at 746 NY-30, in
Northville. They are less than a mile from Northampton Beach Campground
and their lot is plenty big. It will be on your right as you're heading
on Route 30 south in Northville.
Awards and Lunch: This event will conclude about noon, and
we will be having our A.M.E.C. summer picnic immediately following the
event. All Economy run participants are invited to join us for awards and
a picnic lunch at Northampton Beach Campground located on Housmann
Street, in Mayfield, [it's actually closer to Northville] NY. Their
website is
tractCode=ny&parkCode=nort]HERE[/url]. Scroll to the bottom of the
page to find the map links. The picnic pavilion and beach are right on
the shore of beautiful Sacandaga lake. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and soda
will be served. This park is only about a mile from the Citgo station
where the event concluded.
To register for this event: Please contact Mike Kamm at (518)
674-0520 or via email: mkamm [at ] juno [ dot] com. Or just simply reply
to this thread with your name, year/model car. The vehicle count will be
limited so please sign up before this event is full.
Registered driver's list as of 6-30-09
1. Mike Kamm - 1977 Datsun B210 - Averill Park, NY
2. Tom Moeller - 1994 Mazda Miata - Saratoga, NY
3. Dave Burnham - 1991 Eco Diesel Jetta - Delanson, NY
4. Ben Jones - '91 Honda Civic - Hanover, NH
5. Martin Deschenes - 2000 VW Jetta TDI - Quebec City, QC
6. Dick Vedder - 2000 Ford ZX2 S/R - Johnstown, NY
7. Ron Kienhuis - 1972 Citroën SM - Long Island, NY
20.0 -
Registration is now closed for Economy Run III
The fact that we filled up the event six weeks in advance is surprising
and encouraging at the same time. It shows that quite a few people really
want to participate in these types of events. Unfortunately, these events
are far and few between. We need more of them! They are not really
difficult to do and I hope we have inspired other groups or car clubs to
create their own versions of these events for all to enjoy.
1. Mike Kamm - 1977 Datsun B210 - Averill Park, NY
2. Tom Moeller - 1994 Mazda Miata - Saratoga, NY
3. Dave Burnham - 1991 Eco Diesel Jetta - Delanson, NY
4. Ben Jones - 1991 Honda CRX - Hanover, NH
5. Richard Vedder - 2000 Ford ZX2 S/R - Johnstown, NY
6. Martin Deschenes - 2000 VW Jetta TDI - Quebec City, QC
7. Ron Kienhuis - 1972 Citroën SM - Long Island, NY
8. Vlad Saakyan - 2003 Suzuki Svs650 - 518 forums
9. Bill Clark - 1957 Metropolitan Hartop - Endicott, NY
10. Bruce Turk- 1958 Saab 93B - Walden, NY
11. Ernie Yue - 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc
12. Dan & Richard Dobbins - 1964 Studebaker GT Hawk - Long Island, NY
13. Matt Herring - 2009 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA
14. Robert Smalls - 2000 Honda Insight - Buffalo, NY
15. Peter Ramotowski - 2000 VW Golf TDI - Albany, NY
16. Eric Hoefer - 2008 Honda Fit - Guilderland, NY
17. Ryan Kramer - 1988 Toyota MR2 Supercharged - Albany NY
18. Lance David - 1996 Chevy Cavalier - Johnstown, NY
19. Darin Cosgrove - 1998 Pontiac Firefly - Ontario, Canada
20. Chang Ho Kim - 89 Honda CRX - Maynard, MA
21. Jeff Morgan - 1992 240sx - Rotterdam, NY
22. Hobbit - 2004 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA
23. Tom Compoli - 1981 VW Rabbit - Schenectady, NY
24. Dan Mandle - 2004 Golf TDI [Vegetable Oil] - Potsdam, NY
25. Ricardo Bowlin - 1999 Dodge Avenger - Schenectady, NY
If anyone on this list cannot make it, please let me know.
There is now a waiting list to get in and several people are hoping a spot will open up.0 -
This is Carl Germain's 1950 Studebaker Champion Business Coupe. Carl will run in the Historic class next Sunday with this beauty.
It's interesting to note that this is the oldest car in competition, and in fact it is the only car entered that could have run in our inaugural event in 1954!0 -
There have been two cancellations. The waiting list has now been eliminated, as all applicants are now in. Here's the latest list by class:
Gas class
1. Mike Kamm - 1977 Datsun B210 - Averill Park, NY
2. Tom Moeller - 1994 Mazda Miata - Saratoga, NY
3. Ben Jones - 1991 Honda CRX - Hanover, NH
4. Richard Vedder - 2000 Ford ZX2 S/R - Johnstown, NY
5. Eric Hoefer - 2008 Honda Fit - Guilderland, NY
6. Ryan Kramer - 1988 Toyota MR2 Supercharged - Albany NY
7. Chang Ho Kim - 89 Honda CRX - Maynard, MA
8. Darin Cosgrove - 1998 Pontiac Firefly - Ontario, Canada
9. Jeff Morgan - 1992 240sx - Rotterdam, NY
10. Tom Compoli - 1981 VW Rabbit - Schenectady, NY
Diesel and Hybrids
1. Dave Burnham -1991 Eco Diesel Jetta - Delanson, NY
2. Martin Deschenes - 2000 VW Jetta TDI - Quebec City, QC
3. Peter Ramotowski - 2000 VW Golf TDI - Albany, NY
4. Dan Mandle - 2004 Golf TDI [Vegetable Oil] - Potsdam, NY
5. Matt Herring - 2009 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA
6. Robert Smalls - 2000 Honda Insight - Buffalo, NY
7. Hobbit - 2004 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA
Historic class
1. Bill Clark - 1957 Metropolitan Hartop - Endicott, NY
2. Ron Kienhuis - 1972 Citroën SM - Long Island, NY
3. Bruce Turk- 1958 Saab 93B - Walden, NY
4. Dan & Richard Dobbins - 1964 Studebaker GT Hawk - Long Island, NY
5. Jonathan Bartlett - 1969 Saab Sonett V-4 - Sterling, MA
6. Carl Germain - 1950 Studebaker Champion Business Coupe
1. Vlad Saakyan - 2003 Suzuki Svs650 - Schenectady, NY
2. Ernie Yue - 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc
3. Sachs 50cc Madass scooter0 -
Economy Run III was a huge success, and I want to thank all who participated. I would especially like to thank Mark Long and Dave Burnham who assisted me in administering the day's activities.
Last year's event average for all vehicles was 49.56 mpg. I thought that was pretty good. This year's average? How about 64.12 mpg!
Here are the results:
Gas class
1. Chang Ho Kim - 1989 Honda CRX HF - Maynard, MA 118.1 mpg
2. Darin Cosgrove - 1998 Pontiac Firefly - Ontario, Canada 106.12 mpg
3. Ben Jones - 1991 Honda CRX - Hanover, NH 82.54 mpg
4. Mike Kamm - 1977 Datsun B210 - Averill Park, NY 77.04 mpg
5. Will Meredith - 1998 Honda Civic EX - Binghamton NY 64.62 mpg
6. Richard Vedder - 2000 Ford ZX2 S/R - Johnstown, NY 59.09 mpg
7. Eric Hoefer - 2008 Honda Fit - Guilderland, NY 47.27 mpg
8. Robert Smalls - 1996 AWD Subaru Legacy - Buffalo, NY 46.64 mpg
Diesels and Hybrids
1. Martin Deschenes - 2000 VW Jetta TDI - Quebec City, QC 90.43 mpg
2. Matt Herring - 2009 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA 75.91 mpg
3. Hobbit - 2004 Toyota Prius - Boston, MA 74.28 mpg
4. Dan Mandle - 2004 Golf TDI [Vegetable Oil] - Potsdam, NY 63.41 mpg
5. Dave Burnham - 1991 Jetta Diesel - Delanson, NY 61.18 mpg
Historic class
1. Bill Clark - 1957 Metropolitan Hartop - Endicott, NY 44.64 mpg
2. Jonathan Bartlett - 1969 Saab Sonett V-4 - Sterling, MA 44.26 mpg
3. Jonathan Schaller - 1968 Saab 96 - Hamilton, NY 37.96 mpg
4. Ron Kienhuis - 1972 Citroën SM - Long Island, NY 32.20 mpg
5. Carl Germain - 1950 Studebaker Champion Business Coupe 27.37 mpg
1. Vlad Saakyan - 2003 Suzuki Svs650 - Niskayuna, NY 62.28 mpg
Some of the Historic cars with their drivers in attendance.
The red Saab 96 belongs to Jonathan Schaller. Jonathan filled the slot of
a last minute cancellation and we're sure glad he was able to come out.
I am very pleased to show you the winner of the Historic Class of Economy Run III. This is Bill Clark's 1957 Metropolitan Hartop. This car has spent the last ten years in either a trailer or in the Norwich museum so when he started driving it there were some problems. Lot's of them. He worked tirelessly until every detail was taken care of. What he ended up with is a car that is now running better than it has in the last 33 years. His goal was 37 mpg [last year's number with his convertible]. How did he do? Well his attention to detail in car prep and his driving earned him an impressive 44.64 mpg and a first place in class. And that was on bias ply tires folks! Well done Bill.
We tried to line the cars up for a group shot but there were too many. Here's one batch of them. Talk about diversity eh? There are 1950's cars mixed in with hybrids!
This discussion has been closed.
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