51 ford f3 flathead 4speed 8 ft box $1,500 in pa
posting this for my buddy, any questions let me know and i'll relay to him.
1951 ford f3, there is some rot on the front fenders, cab seems pretty solid expect the drivers sides rear corner is rotted, has the original flathead, from what he said it was running not too long ago,has a 4speed, 8 foot box, this would make a cool rat project, has clean pa title
located in northeast pa
1951 ford f3, there is some rot on the front fenders, cab seems pretty solid expect the drivers sides rear corner is rotted, has the original flathead, from what he said it was running not too long ago,has a 4speed, 8 foot box, this would make a cool rat project, has clean pa title
located in northeast pa
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