Seymour Old Settlers Carshow
7/11/2009 Seymour Old Settlers Car show
Location : On the square in Seymour Iowa 52590
Additional Info :
Seymour "Old Settlers" Car show July 11 2009 On the square Seymour, Iowa Come and relax for the day in the small town with a great car show ! Activities include Tractor show, parade, cook off contest, food stands and entertainment. 20 class's Special Awards: Best of show, Interior, Engine and Paint Registration: 9:00-12:00 Participant Judging: 12:00-1:00 Awards @ 3:00 Dave snider (641) 898-7763 or Rick @
Location : On the square in Seymour Iowa 52590
Additional Info :
Seymour "Old Settlers" Car show July 11 2009 On the square Seymour, Iowa Come and relax for the day in the small town with a great car show ! Activities include Tractor show, parade, cook off contest, food stands and entertainment. 20 class's Special Awards: Best of show, Interior, Engine and Paint Registration: 9:00-12:00 Participant Judging: 12:00-1:00 Awards @ 3:00 Dave snider (641) 898-7763 or Rick @
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