Project 47' Super Six UPDATE & STORY!

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Finally got it stripped to the shell about a month ago. Next up will be the installing of the front sub frame. I had lost some interest in the project and had been thing of selling it but it's time to get back at it.

I got a call from a guy today and the ups man had delivered my package to his house which is just down the road. The house he lived in a was always told he was from the ban Bon Jovi. His name is Obie O'Brien. It did not ring a bell with me but I googled his name and he is the Sound Engineer for Bon Jovi. I stopped by to get the package and meet him. When I get there is wife tells me he's in the shower. I asked about the old hot rod he has (32 Ford) and told her about the Hudson I was working on. She told me to stop bye anytime I see the garage doors open to his shop. I go home and about 15 minutes later he calls and was really interested in my Hudson project and gave me some tips about the build. He also said to stop bye anytime. I can't wait to meet him. He seems to be a really cool guy. It would be nice to find I fellow hot rodder in my area. Sorry for the long read.

So now I'm back in the mood to get this project going again.:D

Thanks Brian



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