Information requested

hudsontech Senior Contributor
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I have someone who is looking for an article by D. J. Kava for the WTN titled "The Winningham Report". This article appeared in two parts - the 1st in the July/August 1981 WTN, the 2nd in the Nov/Dec 1981 issue. I have the Jul/Aug issue - except for page 31-32, which has been ripped out of the copy I have.

Does anyone out there have these issues and if so could you either Xerox the article and email it to me or loan them to me and I'll copy them.

Many thanks in advance.


Alex Burr


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    A rather large e-mail is on the way, Alex.
  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    Thank you Mr. B - solves my problem and the other gentleman will be ecstatic.


    Alex B
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