Quarter / vent window removal

edited November -1 in Street Rods
When I had my 57 chevy one of the common mods was to remove the front vent/quarter window. Has anyone does this on a 49-52 Hudson. I was thinking due to the huge size of the rear door windows on the four door compared to the front windows that by removing the vent windows would make the front seem bigger.

Would this be possible without major surgery???




  • Anyone have a desciption or photos on how removing the window can be done?

  • Removing the window is the easy part. Roll the side glass down. You'll have to take off the door handles and remove the window panel. Remove the window garnish moulding. There are two large phillips head screws that hold the wing window divider in place. At the top of the door edge, there is a smaller phillips screw that needs to come out too. Open the wing window and slide it down and toward the rear of the car, it should come out.

    Doing a 1 piece side glass would be pretty difficult though due to the curve in the plane of the window at the vent window divider. You'd either have to have curved side glass made, or do a lot of metal work to straighten out the window channel.
  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor
    aussie56 wrote:
    Anyone have a desciption or photos on how removing the window can be done?

    Also - look for a Hudson Body and Fender manual. Good desriptions and some illustrations of removing glass and such.

    Having the glass molded for the sides isn't too difficult - just need to find someone who makes windscreens.
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