1936 hudson terraplane hood ornament

edited November -1 in Street Rods
does any one know where i can get on of these??


  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    While we are on the subject, my 36 eight has a very nice hood ornament. The red plastic no longer shines as it should. I remember as a child, about 7th grade I think, we made plastic hearts and hand polished them. It that a good method to polish the one on my Hudson? Is there such a thing as a replacement?
  • Brownie, If it's like my 37 the color is pretty well gone but you can make whatever is left shine nice . I'v been rubbin away on several differant material types lately, metals, plastics,finished wood, paint. Ceramic stove top cleaner I swiped from my wifes kitchen gives the best final finish I'v seen on all of them. On plastics I would try it first to see if it will cut enough . In other words on something that precious I would go with the least abrasive first and go courser if needed { Turtle Wax Polishing Compound is about the next coursest, then white rubbing compound ] to find the one to start with and then go back to finest in steps. I did a cast aluminum steering wheel hub I had to start with 80 grit sandpaper it was so bad ,last used was the stove cleaner and you can shave with it. Same method on anything. Bud
  • Go into the bathroom and get your toothpaste, squeeze some onto a rag and rub the plastic vigorously with it. then wipe it off and see if it has polished it enough. If not, do it again. I know it sounds crazy but I polished the headlight lenses on my 95 Grand Cherokee and it really worked. I saw it on one of the car shows on TV and thought why not try it? New lenses from dealer, I believe were $175....Toothpaste $3 not a hard choice for me.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    If you or a friend are handy with the lathe, you could at least machine a new plastic see-gar from translucent red acrylic rod. Here is a company that sells it, possibly in up to 1-1/2" diameter: http://www.delviesplastics.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DPI&Category_Code=Cast_Acrylic_Rod . Of course you would have to borrow someone's see-gar in order to make a pattern.

    If you are not handy you could buy the see-gar from K-Gap (see top line on the following catalog page: http://www.k-gap.com/cat/Page17.pdf
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    Thanks for all the imput. My "cagar" is in perfect shape, just a bit dull. I am going to start with the toothpaste and work my way up. If I cannot make myself happy, I will pick up the one from K-gap. I do have a small lathe in my shop, who knows, if it snows again I might try my hand at making one....

    Thanks again for all the good ideas...

  • could it be possibe that this hood ornament for my 36 terraplane is a head??

    the car was made in the ruskin factory and there is a head on the badge that looks like some sort of medieval soldier
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    Browniepetersen wrote:
    Thanks for all the imput. My "cagar" is in perfect shape, just a bit dull. I am going to start with the toothpaste and work my way up. If I cannot make myself happy, I will pick up the one from K-gap. I do have a small lathe in my shop, who knows, if it snows again I might try my hand at making one....

    Thanks again for all the good ideas...


    It is me again. I started with the toothpaste and it did show some improvement so being impatient I reached for the fine grain rubbing compound. In five minutes the see-gar looked new. The compound also brought a nice shine to the chrome and emblem. Thanks for all the support and help....
  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    The car in your avatar? What's going on with that? If you've been working on it I'd like to see pictures.:)
  • Browniepetersen wrote:
    It is me again. I started with the toothpaste and it did show some improvement so being impatient I reached for the fine grain rubbing compound. In five minutes the see-gar looked new. The compound also brought a nice shine to the chrome and emblem. Thanks for all the support and help....

    Great Brownie, now give it another 5 on the red see-gar part with the stove top cleaner , keep turning the cloth to a clean spot or you rub residue back in , and you'll grin from ear to ear, promise. BUD
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    bent metal wrote:
    The car in your avatar? What's going on with that? If you've been working on it I'd like to see pictures.:)

    I am held up on a friend (master with a welder) who is going to cut up the 38 sedan I have and patch parts into the roadster. We moved a 67 Mustang into the shop because there was three feet of snow in the parking area. I expect that we will be starting with the saws-all in about a week and then we will be on the way. Todate I have restored the chrome, dash, and started on the seats. Whereas the english coach will be well along by fall, I expect that the roadster will still be in the weld shop. I'll put up some photo's as soon as the cutting starts...:D:D Too many cars, not enough time...
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    I've never heard of a "head" forming the emblem of a '36 Terraplane. This may be some sort of customized car. Or maybe a previous owner added the hood ornament himself. The original ornament would have been a red plastic carrot with a chromed wing atop it.

    randallf wrote:
    could it be possibe that this hood ornament for my 36 terraplane is a head??

    the car was made in the ruskin factory and there is a head on the badge that looks like some sort of medieval soldier
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