Corvette Grill setup

edited November -1 in Street Rods
Did a test fit of my new corvette grill on the weekend. SHould fit up nicely with a bit of fine tuning. Would have been good to have the original grill but the previous owner had made up a bodgey one with bumper overriders.





  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    I was not sold on the Corvette grill until I saw the one currently on eBay. Boy, do they look great.
  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor
    I've always loved this car! I'd probably do it different and make the odd "tooth" black powder coat ~ like a missing tooth :p
  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    Looks good! I like the lic. plate too.:)

    I always find it interesting to see what's in the back ground in someone's garage. ...Maybe I'm just nosey.:D My garage is pretty boring.
  • essexcoupe3131
    essexcoupe3131 Senior Contributor
    your going to have to get a big tooth brush to clean that smile LOL

    when a jappa sees that coming up behind them they are going to shake in there pants
  • essexcoupe3131 wrote:
    your going to have to get a big tooth brush to clean that smile LOL
    when a jappa sees that coming up behind them they are going to shake in there pants

    LMAO!!! You got that right Mike! They thing looks like its gonna take a large bite outta your a$$ coming up your rear view mirror!

  • bent metal wrote:
    Looks good! I like the lic. plate too.:)

    I always find it interesting to see what's in the back ground in someone's garage. ...Maybe I'm just nosey.:D My garage is pretty boring.

    I have just finished doing up my they say a man's domain is his garage. I wanted mine to look good. I have one wall that has 1 plate from each state. Another wall has a dash out of a 53 Customline that I thought would look good on the wall, others have your usual car pics. And of course you can see my other project, a early 70's jap bike which I'm trying to rebuild in the cafe racer style and its in sating black with white walls like my Hudson.
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