AMC Mechanical Fuel Pump
I'm replacing my stock fuel pump with an AMC Mechanical Fuel pump on my '51 Hudson Hornet and wanted to see if anyone could help me identify which port is the inlet from the tank and which it the outlet to the carb? I've attached a picture for reference. one port is threaded and the other accepts a rubber line, but no detail is included with this pump to identify which port is which and this pump is setup differently than the stock Hudson pump.
I'm replacing my stock fuel pump with an AMC Mechanical Fuel pump on my '51 Hudson Hornet and wanted to see if anyone could help me identify which port is the inlet from the tank and which it the outlet to the carb? I've attached a picture for reference. one port is threaded and the other accepts a rubber line, but no detail is included with this pump to identify which port is which and this pump is setup differently than the stock Hudson pump.
The one that has the end for a rubber hose is the one from the fuel tank.
Because the engine vibrates and rocks when accelerated, you need some flex in the line because the line from the tank is fixed to the frame.
Hope this helps
Ron0 -
Poncho68 wrote:Hi,
I'm replacing my stock fuel pump with an AMC Mechanical Fuel pump on my '51 Hudson Hornet and wanted to see if anyone could help me identify which port is the inlet from the tank and which it the outlet to the carb? I've attached a picture for reference. one port is threaded and the other accepts a rubber line, but no detail is included with this pump to identify which port is which and this pump is setup differently than the stock Hudson pump.
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