SoCal Car Show - 4/18
Saturday, April 18th (And… Every 3rd Saturday of the Month)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
All car clubs and automotive enthusiasts welcome!
It's more than your average morning parking lot...
Vendor booths, food & beverages, coffee (real coffee: lattés, fraps, espresso, etc.) and really great cars! Retail store for the wife or girlfriend... Kid's zone with bounce house and face painter. Fun for the whole family!
Sponsored by Concours Motorcars and TECHCO
Hope to see you all there!
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
All car clubs and automotive enthusiasts welcome!
It's more than your average morning parking lot...
Vendor booths, food & beverages, coffee (real coffee: lattés, fraps, espresso, etc.) and really great cars! Retail store for the wife or girlfriend... Kid's zone with bounce house and face painter. Fun for the whole family!
Sponsored by Concours Motorcars and TECHCO
Hope to see you all there!
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