Free 212 CID splasher engine
I have a 212 CID splasher engine that I have no idea what condition that it is in internally. I used a few of the items off of it externally and I would like to pass it on to someone who can use it. It is free and available for pick up in the Pittsburgh, PA area.
I want it. Do you know what it came out of? I need to make a trip to Pittsburgh anyway!0
No I'm sorry, I do not know what it came out of. It was given to me in case I needed some parts and I removed a few trinkets. I have a cherry picker to help with the loading.0
The engine number might help someone identify the rough year. Also, whether the distributor is on the top (rear) of the engine, or on the passenger's side, will give some indication of the year.0
Long shot, but is engine still available?
Thanks, Dom47
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contact direct
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I also have a 212 splasher with assorted parts in Illinois
regards, Tom
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I e-mailed you. I'm interested to see what you have.
Thanks, Dom47
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Thanks for the response. Maybe between you and Lostmind, I can get a jump start on my restoration (no pun intended). Message me with some pictures or a list of parts. I definitely need a carb and manifold.
Thanks, Dom47
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Sorry I confused you. That email is for the guy that originally posted the Terraplane engine.
I don't have one. Sorry.
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I am in the hospital. It will be a bit
regards, Tom
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