1936 Series 61 Brougham

 So I adopted out the 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan that I found before I became invested in Hudsons so that I could acquire this non running 1936 Terraplane.

The guy gave me 4 months to sell mine and it took 8 so I’m fortunate that he isn’t a highly motivated seller!

I located replacement servos and diaphragms for it’s Magic Hand shifter and am really looking forward to fiddling with it’s intricate workings.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Senior Contributor

    rusty apache give me a call I can help you out with the parts you need 6513151337 Tom.

  • Nice car! I'm working on my '36 sedan too. They're such interesting vehicles for sure.


  • 37 CTS
    37 CTS Senior Contributor

    When you have the Electric Hand in working order it will be the Crown of your wrenching achievements.

    It is wonderful to drive, and I enjoy mine so very much. I found working on it beyond my abilities and had a very experienced Hudson friend who keeps it working. The info you need is in the manual and read it thru till you understand how it works, then you can repair it. Good Luck

  • Having finally recovered from the road trip, I gently lowered her to the ground and dragged her into the shop with the F500 bucket truck wench just in time for the rain showers to begin.

    Now I can get on with figuring out what is missing and get it running.

    It’s been rigged for 12volts long ago so the generator is probably a recycled into part of a Toyota by now.

    That’s probably why they also tossed the headlight components.

    So add a 2brush generator to the list.

    I’m also going to eventually going to have to replace the window u channels.

  • I like to repair clocks and Victrolas, so few mechanical devices scare me. Although the kinetic energy built up in a Victrola mainspring can do serious harm to a human being!

    Do you run a manual lever as well?

  • rusty_apache
    rusty_apache Member
    edited September 2024

    Everything is so much better without those awful little 14” wheels!

    I vacuumed the debris out of the intake and exhaust ports and peered into them with the bore scope. Then I put about an ounce of home brew penetrating oil in the cylinders and the fasteners.

    I am assuming that the cam gears must be hashed. After I drain the coolant I will pull the water pump and timing cover to see what the damage is.

    Then I installed the distributor, exhaust, carb/intake, air cleaner and some random short reach spark plugs, for now in order to keep the bugs out!