camshaft for a 1927 Essex Super Six
Hello, I need a camshaft for a 1927 Essex Super Six. Does anyone have one for sale or know where to buy one? I will be very grateful for your help :)
I have one here in New Zealand if you can't find one closer to you.
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Thank you very much for your help :) How much does it cost?
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Thank you very much for your help :) How much does it cost?
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What part of the world are you in? I may have one in Southern California.
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Hello, I'm from Poland, but I'm looking for this camshaft all over the world. Please tell me how much it costs. I will pay the shipping costs.
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It will be the shipping that costs from here. It's here if you need it but hopefully you can get one much closer.
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Essex and Hudson are very unpopular in Europe. A few years ago I bought pistons for Essex from New Zealand because I couldn't find them anywhere. I've been looking for this crankshaft for a long time and this forum is my last hope. Here is my email address: - please write what the cost would be together with shipping (preferably by sea). Many thanks!
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So are you looking for a camshaft as your first post said? Or a crankshaft?
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I have sent you an email.
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