Welcome To The New Forum

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I am just here myself, and trying to feel my way around.

You must re-register in this new format. (To do this, look on the BLACK horizontal bar near the top of the page, next to 'FAQ', 'Members List', 'Calendar', etc.)

Also, here are some tips:

1) Bookmark the main Hudson Forum listing page, when you've successfully logged in. This way, there is a good chance that next time you come here (via the bookmark) you'll find yourself logged in automatically. This WILL NOT happen if you follow the link from the Hudson page, or from Classiccar.

2). Turn off the Chat Page before you come here, if you have any hope of posting a new message, replying to or editing an existing one. If the Chatroom is on, on another screen, this Forum will NOT let you post.


  • Using old log in name may have worked for you Jon - wouldn't take mine. So we are now using hudsontech1


    (formerly hudsontech)
  • :( Didn't work for me either... Only solution was to completely re-register. Truthfully, this was NOT a good or smooth transition.

    Hopefully, this change will be worth the trouble it has caused.
  • If you folks had any idea what it takes to do one of these moves, you would know this was about as smooth as they get. There are always things we cannot foresee....sorry if you think re-registering was to much of a pain for you. We tried our best, thats all we can do.:)
  • test test test
  • Testting; seems ok. Testing again.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator

    If you are still having troubles re-registering in the new Forum, go to


    and give them the following information. They will personally re-set the Forum so you can get on!

    1) user name (that you desire)

    2) password

    3) email address (must be a valid one, so they can get back to you with advice. Some people have spam blockers; make sure they allow e-mail from Classiccar.com to get in the door!

    Do these prior to attempting to register. When you are successful in registering, immediately bookmark the Hudson Forum, and return to it via your bookmark -- you should find that, in the future, you arrive there already signed in. And, when attempting to post a message, do NOT have the Hudson chatroom open, on another screen.
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