1954 Hornet Special 4-door WINDSHIELD REMOVAL

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Unable to determine from the Manuals whether this is removed from the inside or the outside. If from the outside, how is the molding around the windshield attached?




  • Are you changing the windshield gasket? If so first Remove inside metal moldings then move to the outside stainless moldings. Push up on the lower stainless mildings. They are held in by a rubber lip only. Then work the upper stainless milding by applying pressure to the middle of the windshield and down. Once removed you will see a rubber cord going aroundthe windshield gasket. Pry up and remove.Now if you are replacing this gasket from KGAP the easiest way is to take an utilty knife and carefully cut the rubber all the around the windhield gasket ABOVE the rubber cord placement. Takes time and be careful and then push the windshield tolds the dash and it will fall out. If it is an original gasket it most likely will be hard as a rock and will need to be place if removed.
  • Yes, new K-Gap gasket. OK, thanks. It was unclear to me from the manual which way it was removed because at the front of the instructions it indicated it pulls out from the inside but then later on it stated something like "lift glass out and away from the body." Best to get feedback from someone who has been there and done that. Thanks again.
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