The Twin H2 (squared) manifold lives
Here is the new intake (and head) on Erik's Hornet up and running!
Small update, got air cleaners figured out:
Passenger side horn has to move... not sure where I'll put it, since some yahoo put his fancy wiper setup right in the way.
Also, those air cleaners came from 2 different stores from obviously 2 different production runs, and they're different enough to bug me...
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Is there enough clearance to modify some old oil baths crossovers?
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So, the carb ports are 'generally' in the same location (think 'x' and 'y') of the original Carters... 'z', height from original, has changed a bit, haven't quite measured yet... so taking into account height differences, stock Hudson Thin H air cleaners 'should' work, provided you deal with the height offsets. There are Weber adapters to the WA-1 throat size out there.
Take this comment with a HUGE grain of salt, as I haven't fit my WA-1s back on yet to test.
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Also, coolant plumbing worked out.
**bear with me, I was working with what I had on hand**
I have a Ford something-or-other heater core that comes across to the drivers side, which accounts for the shenanigans over the engine...
Also also: proper air cleaner nuts now. 🙂
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Coming along nicely. The red triangles are a nice detail.
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Engine sounded happy and healthy on the YouTube video.
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I noticed the same. My Carters have never had that crisp of a throttle response, ever.
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Definitely responsive. I had a couple stalls this morning when it was cool, right after starting - still have a bit of a learning curve ahead. Died once backing out of the driveway, and got close at the next signal. Bit of pedal work kept it going.
Now I need to separate 'old Hydro' from off carb tune...
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Choke(s) adjustment issue? I assume the Webers have +12V electric choke(s) since I see one wire to each carb in your pic above and spy a 12V battery. Seem to be running an electric fan behind aluminum radiator too. Lokar throttle cable? All nice gear.
What I don't recognize is the 5/16"(?) metal tube/shaft traversing and clamped mid-firewall. Is that a fuel infeed line from an electric fuel pump in the corner of the pic? I doubt it since I see lower hose fuel lines to each carb (or are these fuel return lines?). Stumped...
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That is windshield wiper related.
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Yup, wipers. Used a Specialty Power Windows wiper kit. Throttle cable is from Amazon, decent enough. Six blade mechanical fan is what to see, though I am putting an electric pusher up front.
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