Intake valve Hudson 8 1934



  • BigSky
    BigSky Senior Contributor
    edited May 2021
    You may want to really think about making or buying a magnetic drain plug.  
  • JACK356
    JACK356 Member
    BigSky said:
    You may want to really think about making or buying a magnetic drain plug.  
    Great work but expensive fee for Belgium.Once arrived in Belgium any room has a customs tax of 36 euros....
  • JACK356
    JACK356 Member
    Cleaning done

  • advancement

  • sanding

  • Dalle cooper

  • Drilling of the goujeons breaks

  • tigermoth
    tigermoth Expert Adviser
    edited September 2022
    In what condition is the water jacket and radiator? 
    I am surprised the mice have not shredded the interior. 

    nice find!!!

    regards, Tom
  • tigermoth said:
    In what condition is the water jacket and radiator? 
    I am surprised the mice have not shredded the interior. 

    nice find!!!

    regards, Tom
    Waterjacket in medium condition. I found a real waterjacket quaziment new. Thank you usa. Otherwise;the water chambers around the cylinders;hours to scratch with a hook;to blow but it became impeccable again. The radiator looks beautiful;very few km the survivor 32.857 MILES.Je will have it cleaned and put under pressure.
  • Collector sandblasting. High temperature epoxy paint bi component.

  • Axleflex

  • BigSky
    BigSky Senior Contributor
    Jack can you share more photos of the head?  I’ve seen heads like yours before but only on other European Hudson’s.  What I’ve seen in the U.S. all the heads are flat on the top.  

    Does anyone know the purpose for the different heads?
  • BigSky said:
    Jack can you share more photos of the head?  I’ve seen heads like yours before but only on other European Hudson’s.  What I’ve seen in the U.S. all the heads are flat on the top.  

    Does anyone know the purpose for the different heads?
    The water pump is mounted to the cylinder head on these.


  • 54coupe said:
    The water pump is mounted to the cylinder head on these.

    Water pump original 1934.

  • Culasse


  • Final

  • Glowplug
    Glowplug Expert Adviser
    NICE  thanks for sharing you work and results  Ken Cates
  • Hans
    Hans Senior Contributor
    first time to see red triangle with white background, Hudson tail light
  • Thank you. On a white background; I mounted leds. Seen the electrical wiring of the time and many cars on the roads. So for security
  • All 34/35 Hudson’s and Terraplanes had the same water pump mounted in the head
  • Hans
    Hans Senior Contributor
    HUDSON 8's  had 6 blade impellers, H / E  6's had 3 blade impellers.

    I saw a T8 at Centrsl region meet in Findlry Ohio a couple of years ago with a similar similar shaped WP, but to my amazement it was aprox 3/4 to 1 inch shorter front to back. Never, ever seen another WP like it. The fan blades were very close to the Rad.

    I  had a pump there to compare.

    I have also noticed that '32 T to '34 & '35 H & T waterpumps have had same bolt on patterns but later WP's had slightly larger appearing water outlets.
  • Yes the blades of the fan not really ready for the radiator. The car was assembled in Antwerp, Belgium. At C.A.M car assembly center. It was for a question of tax. Example the glazing is marked securit Jemeppes on Belgian sambre; glazing.
  • Glass Belgium

  • In one of the articles I posted above, he indicates that already in 32 they were assembling packard and hudson by incorporating raw materials of national origin. As probably the glazing as on mine; we also talk about fabrics.
  • Here is an ad from Englebert Magazine from May 34 for the Terraplane,

  • The car turned today;not started since 1954.A historic day. Just a start to see because radiator has clean and put joints back in the carbu. She turned with the carbu and its joints of 1934.Unbelievable.The engine purrs like a cat
  • lostmind
    lostmind Expert Adviser
     :)  :)   :)